I'M PREGNANT! :) Our little man is 2.5, almost 3 now and if we want him to have any siblings that he'll be close to we decided we better get busy. So, in true Traunig style, we got to work and were IMMEDIATELY pregnant. LOL (you can visualize an image of my husband making 'I'm the man!' poses here)
So, since around Thanksgiving I've been super exhausted and nauseas. I, luckily, don't ever actually get morning sickness, but I do have to deal with an almost constant sick feeling. I should be over the first trimester hump by early February, and until then I just keep checking the fetal development calendar to see what important milestone I'm paying the price for! It makes it all that much easier to put up with.
We will know the sex by mid February and the baby is due at the end of July. So my last few months will most likely be spent in giant sundresses instead of giant sweaters like my last pregnancy. Yay!